Web Content


A neurotechnology start-up was looking to improve its SEO and search ranking as it built out product content on a new website.


I planned and developed a series of thought leadership posts for the company’s blog, diving deep into the history of neuroscience — as it relates to brain networks — and the evolution to today’s current thinking.

Two of the articles were later cited in CORTEX, a high-impact neuroscience journal.

Feature Article

As a primary piece of pillar content for the website, this 3300-word article offered a historical framing for the study of brain parcellations in neuroscience. The article then dove into the major breakthrough the Human Connectome Project offered for the field and how, with the addition of big data, software can help neurosurgeons better understand the structural connectivity of the brain.

Feature Article

The brain has seven main networks, the sensorimotor system, visual system, limbic system, central executive network, default mode network, salience network, and dorsal attention network. The Education Academy section of the website offered articles that explored the discovery and interworkings of the brain networks, as well as what having a better understanding these networks could mean for neurosurgery.

Educational Academy

While some of these networks, like the limbic system are well known, others are still new to the field neuroscience. To educate on each of these systems, I wrote articles explaining the role of each network, the known parcellations associated with it, and its impact on mental and physical health.

Article Topic Deep Dive

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